Morning Veil


The Morning Veil borrows its name from the nostalgic imagery of 'Lake Isle of Innisfree’ by WB Yeats.

‘‘And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,

Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;

There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,

And evening full of the linnet’s wings.’’

The Cascade series sets out to capture elegant moments and freeze them in time, much like this peaceful memory of home Yeats reminisces on.

Hallmarked at The Company of Goldsmiths of Dublin, The Assay Office, Dublin Castle

Hibernia Hallmark, Makers Mark & standard of fineness ensuring origin and material.

92.5 Sterling Silver

Sustainably and ethically produced in Ireland.

Packaged in a linen covered cardboard box and linen pouch to protect the jewellery.

Made to last, all materials are recyclable and biodegradable.

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